Monitoring studies

Ad monitoring
Auditing ad campaigns
Analyzing competitors' ads
Monitoring of sponsorship on TV
BTL communications monitoring
Media monitoring
Music video monitoring
Archive of ad samples
Hardware & Software


Monitoring of sponsorship on TV

Monitoring studies / Ad monitoring / Monitoring of sponsorship on TV /

All types of sponsorship and indirect advertising are being constantly monitored on the main TV channels available in Moscow broadcasting zone on a daily basis. All types of sponsorship and elements of indirect advertising are registered every day in a specialized database that is provided to the Client the day after the broadcast. On the Customer’s request, monitoring of a particular on-air time period can be done on-line. Besides, the Customer receives the monitoring results in the form that corresponds to the standards of their internal reports. In individual cases, apart from general sponsorship manifestations (captions, creeping line, logo, product display, etc.), all special or unique forms of sponsorship and indirect advertisement may be registered and included in the database. Some clients have only access to the database with fixed sponsorship manifestations according to certain criteria that they set. Besides the computer database, the Customer may also receive a video record of specific samples of sponsorship and indirect advertisement in any format, on any information carrier.
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