Monitoring studies

Ad monitoring
Auditing ad campaigns
Analyzing competitors' ads
Monitoring of sponsorship on TV
BTL communications monitoring
Media monitoring
Music video monitoring
Archive of ad samples
Hardware & Software


Analysis of competitors advertising

Monitoring studies / Ad monitoring / Analyzing competitors' ads /

Apart from controlling the course of their own advertisement campaign, companies are often interested in finding out how their competitors and other market participants advertise.

For that, total advertisement monitoring is necessary within a particular market segment or some categories of commodities or services. We conduct such monitoring on an ad hoc basis. The Customer fixes the categories, types of the media, the media list, the area and period of monitoring, periodicity of data supply and form of report. In most cases, the monitoring results are presented in three standard forms:

  • databases with detailed description of every advertisement case in any media type (TV, the press, the radio, outdoor advertisement, the underground);
  • statistical reports on advertising volumes (number of issues) and budgets with tables, graphs and diagrams containing information laid out in different ways according to cities, media types, editions, TV channels, radio stations, construction types, time periods, etc. grouped by every brand, advertiser, commodity category, etc.
  • registered visual advertisement issues (Visuals) in the form of samples of TV commercials, audio spots, photographs of advertisement places or samples of outdoor advertisements, scanned advertisements in the press. As a rule, these are presented as classified computer files of different formats.

The area of such research is limited by the agency’s network though it may be expanded in individual cases.

Such research is mainly done on a regular basis for quite a long time under permanent contracts and is often part of overall research of the whole complex of the company’s marketing communications on a particular market.
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