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Advertising campaigns auditing

Monitoring studies / Ad monitoring / Auditing ad campaigns /

Advertising campaigns audit is performed as control monitoring of the fact of coming out / not coming out of the advertisement including preparing and providing supporting materials. Any kinds of advertisements and sponsorship may be subjects of monitoring. Control monitoring is performed in Moscow and in all cities included in the regional network of the company. Advertisement auditing covers the following communications channels:

  • Television
  • Press
  • Radio
  • Outdoor advertisement
  • Underground
  • Movie theaters
  • Public transport

The Client is provided with:

  • Comparative complex report, comparing the Client’s media-plan on all communication channels with its actual implementation. The form of the report varies according to the Customer’s needs.
  • Recording of commercials blocks proving the presence or absence of the Client’s advertisement on air including the date and broadcasting time.
  • Original copies of published editions proving the presence or absence of the Client’s advertisement or their scanned copies.
  • Photographs of advertisement places of the Client’s address program (for outdoor advertising, advertisements in the underground or public transport) in the form of a photo album or digital photos with the date of control monitoring.
  • Recordings of advertisement blocks on the radio or certain parts of the radio broadcast according to the Client’s media-plan.

* Television or radio broadcasting records are stored for 1-2 months so the Client may get the technical record of the broadcast if necessary.
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