

Integrated investment project monitoring to become one of the perspective business development areas

New Consulting Department founded.

“Anticrisis Emergency” is the way a new outsourcing innovative RPRG project is called. ...



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RPRG (Russian Public Relations Group) is the oldest independent research company in Russia. It was founded in 1992. Its main area of activity is market and monitoring research. The agency specializes in exclusive custom research and research covering large territories. The company’s mission is to provide local and international companies with quality and affordable marketing and monitoring information. RPRG has its own regional network and operates in more than 100 Russian cities.
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New offers:

Development of business plans and feasibility analysis of investment projects...
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Assessment of the effectiveness of BTL-communications of companies and brands within a 
particular market....
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24-hour monitoring of music videos on the music channels MUZ-TV and MTV...
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Research for the music market in cooperation with  Billboard magazine...
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