
Terms of using this website

Terms of using this website /

RPRG authorizes the use of the materials laid out on this Website provided that the visitors of the Website comply with the rules. Visiting the Website and its further usage means that you accept the following Terms of using the Website and commit yourself to comply with them. The following Terms are to be respected by all the visitors of the Website without any exceptions.

The whole content of the Website is protected by the copyright law of the Russian Federation.

The use of the information of the Website, including downloading and viewing the data, is permitted only for information purposes of non-commercial character and intended only for personal use. As an exception, only direct Clients of RPRG who deal with the company under certain contracts are allowed to use the data presented in the “Clients” section.

The written consent of RPRG must be obtained in order to make public any information from the RPRG Website in the media and the published materials must contain reference to the source of the data. When publishing the data in the web, an active hyperlink to the corresponding webpage of the website must be included.

RPRG undertakes to provide no data about the visitors of the Website without their prior consent to third parties and promises to use the received data only for the purpose of increasing the effectiveness of services provided to the visitors of the Website.

RPRG holds no responsibility for any direct or indirect losses or missed benefits which may occur as a result or a consequence of using the Website and the information present on it.
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