About the Company

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About the Company

About the Company /

RPRG is a specialized research company. The agency specializes mailnly in ad hoc marketing and monitoring research throughout different market sectors. The agency has its own monitoring service that provides valuable information and, in many cases, participates in marketing projects.

RPRG is an innovative company which has developed a number of research methodologies and methods as well as special research software to input, process and analyze information and prepare summary reports.

RPRG is a company with large, real-life experience in the Russian market.Among the agency’s clients there are both transnational corporations and dynamic national companies. Since the company was established, it has conducted hundreds of market and monitoring surveys.

RPRG is a company with a unique regional network of representatives, which allows it to conduct any type of large-scale regional market and monitoring research in the Russian Federation without involving subcontractors.

RPRG is an independent company. Among its shareholders, there are no major participants of the goods or services markets. It does not have “anchor clients” who might impose particular restrictions on the information provided by the company. It is not a member of any association as it believes that any kind of membership imposes certain obligations and restrictions to its unbiased reporting.

RPRG is a client-oriented company. Its whole activity is based on the project principle. Every research project is unique; it takes full account of the customer’s goals, interests, requirements, and wishes. Most projects are exclusive, and, in many cases, confidential. RPRG strictly respects all the commitments it takes on and provides its clients with financial guarantees of the privacy and quality of its work.

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