Market research

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Market research

Market research /

We have been carrying out market research since 1993 and we specialize in exclusive ad hoc market research. That is why there are no ready research projects for sale, or initiative research, or standard market reviews, or omnibuses, or any other syndicated research. We always focus on solving a particular task of the client and spend the research budget only on conducting the research. All surveys carried out by our agency are always unique. Moreover, we strictly keep research privacy as such research findings give competitive advantages and a basis for making important marketing decisions. It often concerns the very fact of providing marketing services.

That is why our research is always for the only Client who ordered it and nobody else.

Our advantage is research covering large territories due to our unique regional network.

We use our own monitoring service’s data as information for market research; this is especially true of our research in the sphere of advertising and the media as well as different types of desk research.

We work on all possible markets of commodities and services and we are always ready to offer our Client an optimal research solution.
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