Market research

Experience in market research
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Technical resources
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Technical resources

Market research / Technical resources /


We have an opportunity to provide the Client with a choice of rooms for conducting discussions in groups (focus groups). All rooms differ in the number of participants that can be seated in them (from mini-groups of 4 people up to 10-12 people), in technical data and level of comfort. The client can also choose among different locations of rooms.

Standard equipment package in a focus-room:

  • professional audio and video equipment;
  • television and overhead projector;
  • broadband microphone;
  • air conditioning system;
  • one-sided mirror (in rooms not equipped with mirrors there is an audio/video link with the clients’ room).

Room for discussion observation (clients’ room):

  • accomodates 4-8 people;
  • has a telephone and Internet access;
  • has a television, a DVD-recorder or a VCR;
  • has an air conditioning system.

There is an opportunity of:

  • Simultaneous translation with the use of special equipment:
  • a radio link (with an on-line operator).

Call center

RPRG has an equipped room for conducting telephone surveys using the method of CATI (Computer Assisted Telephoning Interviewing). This system’s software enables us to control the process of telephone numbers selection, the process of conducting the interview and provide prompt processing of results. Up to 10 telephone lines may be occupied at a time. From our experience, that is quite enough to carry out current projects. In case there is an urgent telephone survey or research covering a large territory, we cooperate with several professional call-centers, which enables us to expand the number of simultaneously working operators up to 100-150. However, this does not increase the client’s research budget as we cooperate with partner call-centers on special terms. Moreover, that allows us to conduct twenty-four-hour surveys all across Russia in all time zones.
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