Market research

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Receivables format


Receivables format

Market research / Receivables format /

Market research results are presented in the form of reports. The simplest form of report is tables with the data of research, measurements, calculations and which may also contain graphs.

The final research result – a full report containing conclusions and recommendations - may consist of several pages or several volumes, which depends on the volume of work and the way the research findings should be presented.

In addition to the complete research report, audio, video or computer presentation may be provided.

Promptness of marketing information and the need to use it quickly have generated a specific form of intermediate reporting – "top-line report", which is a brief summary of the main findings provided to the client immediately after the data has been collected, before its detailed analysis. Preparation of a full report takes much work, careful verification and therefore much time. The results presented in the brief summary of main results on a hot scent differ from the summary provided as a conclusion of the project’s work. Preliminary results may contain inaccuracies and even interpretation errors which will be eliminated later and there will hardly be any final conclusions or recommendations. Final conclusions are made in the final resume. As a rule, the final reporting form is determined by the client and registered in the market research brief. We pay particular attention to ensure that research results are convenient for our clients and can be easily integrated in their internal system of marketing information.
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