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Media monitoring

Monitoring studies / Media monitoring /

The twenty first century is the age of information. To find your way in this ocean of information, it is necessary to get concise, accurate information on time, in a convenient form. Media monitoring serves this purpose.

Media monitoring involves finding and collecting information in the media based on any assigned criteria. Monitoring is performed by specially trained operators whose experience of doing similar work is not less than 5 years; specially developed software is used for monitoring electronic or Internet editions. We carry out only ad hoc information monitoring. As a rule, the media monitoring that RPRG performs is exclusive, that is, we do not share monitoring results with other companies. It is only once that primary material is presented, as an exception: requested data search, technical record of a particular video or audio item and scans of particular articles. We do not do general reviews of the media or standard reports.

Press monitoring

The list of editions for monitoring includes social-political and business editions, any specialized editions, glossy magazines, electronic editions. The whole list numbers 200 subscription periodicals. The list of electronic editions contains 3500 sources. The list of editions is an open source and may be extended according to the Client’s wish. A retrospective monitoring of the editions is possible within 1 year. In individual cases, if the number of editions is limited, within 2 years.

Forms in which information is presented

  • press clipping: article scans (of electronic editions), if necessary, divided into handy folders
  • short annotations in Russian or in any other European language
  • statistical report including the date, edition, author, title, article size, page and hyperlink to the corresponding scan of the original
  • analytical report according to the monitoring targets.

Internet monitoring

The character of Internet monitoring is determined by the Client’s objectives. It is mainly used as a part of other projects to find necessary information. Anything can be monitored as operators do it by hand with the help of generally accessible search engines. However, since the company has existed, unique databases of information websites concerning certain markets and news portals have been created. That is why we do not look information up online but use our own databases of websites. Not only news and information monitoring, advertisement banners monitoring, website screenshots are available as internet monitoring. As a rule, it is used as a supplement to other media monitoring or as a part of other marketing projects.

Television and radio monitoring


Television channels of Moscow broadcasting, cable and satellite channels.

Major radio stations working on ultra short waves or in FM range.

Some of the major channels are recorded in digital form so their retrospective monitoring and technical recording of audio and video fragments is available. In other cases, a prior request is necessary. With prior request, it is possible to make recordings of higher quality on DVDs.

Types of data carriers: DVD/CD/VHS. Delivery by courier. Deliver via FTP in the form of MPEG2, MPEG4 files is also possible.

Additional services:

  • Transcripts of fragments;
  • annotations of fragments;
  • database of broadcasted fragments including the date and time of broadcasting, context surroundings;
  • analytical report relevant to the monitoring goals

Monitoring results may also be the material for conducting content-analytical research aimed at determining key image characteristics and analyzing marketing and PR-strategies of competitors. Obtained results may be used to assess the effectiveness of PR-activity of the company.

How we work

The Customer sends us a request for media monitoring via e-mail; the request should contain:

  • Main target and task,
  • Monitoring period,
  • Periodicity and form of information presentation,
  • Way of delivery,
  • Additional desirable services,
  • List of the media (if there is no list, we can form it basing on the target of the monitoring),
  • List of key words, subjects, events etc., that is, criteria of selecting and registering the necessary information.

After that we send the price offer and a standard contract.

The monitoring starts only after there is a written confirmation on the side of the Client.

Our interaction is simple:

You order all information on:

  • particular subject
  • market sector
  • key words
  • people
  • competitors or companies
  • particular trademarks, goods, services
  • past events (presentation, exhibition, press-conference, event, etc.)

You receive all materials relevant to your request:

  • originals or copies,
  • in any convenient form, in any format,
  • on any information carriers (audio- or videocassettes, CDs, DVDs, computer files),
  • via any available means of communication (e-mail, courier, post).

Besides, if you do not have enough time to study the original sources, we can prepare an analytical or statistical report for you, do a content-analytical research of all presented information, prepare reviews and transcripts.

The cost of media monitoring is fixed and does not vary depending on the amount of information, which is convenient for planning the budget.

* The materials provided by our company will only be used for internal research and analytical purposes. Any distribution, copying, publishing or their further broadcasting may entail a violation of the copyright law.
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