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BTL communications monitoring

Monitoring studies / BTL communications monitoring /

 The focus of the project is the elimination of the information vacuum in BTL communications of companies in different markets. 

 The project’s goals are:
-Obtain a detailed description of all types of BTL activity of all participants in a particular market
-Estimation of BTL budgets and activity volumes of companies (in each market category for every brand and manufacturer):
·          According to groups of distribution channels
·          In Russian cities and across Russia in general
·          According to price segments, and product groups
·          According to type of BTL activity
·          According to type of BTL materials 
·          According to type of contact with customers
-Assessment of the shares of a companies’ BTL activities and budgets in every market segment.
-Assessment of BTL activity period for every company, brand, city and customer contact point.
-Development of constantly updated visual databases – samples of all types of BTL activity and POSM.
All types of BTL activity in companies within a particular market (promotional events which do not include direct advertisement placement, are subject to monitoring.) According to the conventional classification, some typical BTL instruments are: 
    -consumer promotion (promo-actions, lotteries, contests, samples distribution, flyers, sampling, etc.)
    -trade promotion (ways of encouraging distributors and the distribution network)
    -direct marketing (mailing and e-mail postings, telephone and SMS marketing)
    -POSM (production and use of special materials including Permanent POSM, Non-permanent POSM  and Indoor Visual Communication)
    -åvent-marketing (organization of presentations, fairs, festivals, concerts, parties, participation in exhibitions)
   - sponsorship (charity, sports events sponsorship, cultural and socially significant events, etc.)
The Client receives results/data in the following forms:
      -A report containing data on BTL activity volumes and BTL budgets of every company on the market, every brand, price segment, type of BTL communication, every city, groups of distribution channels and types of customer contact points.
       -An analytical report with a detailed description of all types of BTL communications used by the companies in the given market segment, as well as an analysis of the BTL marketing strategies of competitors.
      - Multimedia presentation of research results.
     - A Samples database (Visuals) of all types of BTL activity in the particular market, in digital form and with constant updating.
Uniqueness and features of the project 
BTL monitoring is currently available
  • Large territorial coverage (more than 100 major cities) and the possibility to form a sample of cities depending on a particular client’s needs. The Possibility to use various geographic samples according to different product categories (market sectors)
  • Unique methodology making it possible to obtain information about all types of BTL activity (consumer promotion, trade promotion, direct-marketing, POSM, åvent-marketing and sponsorship) in different market segments
  • The monitoring of all types of customer contact points where BTL activity is taking place
  • Varied periodicity of data supply is adjustable to the needs and report format of the customer
  • Specialized software allowing for the input and processing of large amounts of information, form requests and preparation of reports in different formats.
As a part of this project, RPRG can conduct audits of local promo-actions.
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