Monitoring studies

Ad monitoring
Auditing ad campaigns
Analyzing competitors' ads
Monitoring of sponsorship on TV
BTL communications monitoring
Media monitoring
Music video monitoring
Archive of ad samples
Hardware & Software


Advertising and sponsorship monitoring

Monitoring studies / Ad monitoring /

Advertising monitoring may be used to achieve several marketing goals. Firstly, it makes it possible to control the fact of the Client’s advertisement’s going out and make sure that the Client's actual factual advertising campaign of corresponds to their media plan in every medium. To meet this objective, advertising audit is used. Secondly, advertising monitoring is necessary to analyze marketing and advertising strategies of all participants of a particular market as it provides valuable information about the competitors’ creative ideas, advertising volumes and budgets, detailed data about their advertising campaigns in general and every advertisement in particular. For this purpose, on the basis of monitoring databases, reports about the competitors’ advertising activity are made. Apart from direct advertising, sponsorship advertising may be the object of monitoring. Sponsorship monitoring is carried out on television channels; it is difficult to carry out such monitoring on the radio as the procedure of tracking this information is too expensive. All types of monitoring research of the press except direct advertisement monitoring can be carried out as a part of media monitoring.
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