Market research

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Market research / Research types and methodology / Positioning /

Finding a specific niche for the brand in the public conscience, determining its position in the range of competitor brands requires understanding the peculiarities of psychological perception of the current brands by consumers. This will answer to the question: what content should the brand image be given to match the needs and expectations of the target group.

There is an effective positioning method - brand mapping – placing product packages or cards with brand names on a coordinate plane, in a system of criteria significant for this product category’s estimation. Another advantage of this method is its ability to be applied to children who are limited in words to express their attitudes.

It is better to use the method of brand mapping in focus groups, where it is usually used. The results of brand mapping can be presented in the following map:

The picture shows that for the new brand X an advantageous position is the price which a little higher than the average price and the quality corresponding with the quality of brands B and C as this area in the consumer's mind does not have a competitive offer.

Brands can also be evaluated by applying estimation scales or by purely qualitative methods – discussion of advantages and drawbacks of brands with target group representatives. A consumer taking part in research is not only a bearer of his/her attitude to brands but a source of information about the product’s consumer qualities.
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