Market research

Experience in market research
Research types and methodology
Analysis of company's position
Analysis of demand
Analysis of supply
Consumer analysis
Product characteristics study
Evaluation of ad efficiency
Complex market analysis
Special studies
Technical resources
Receivables format


Complex market analysis

Market research / Research types and methodology / Complex market analysis /

On the basis of complete and detailed factual data and its analytical comparison, RPRG carries out a complex market analysis according to product groups. Comprehensive estimation of major manufacturers’ marketing policy contains:

  • Estimation of sales volumes, capacity, development prognosis, distribution of shares of the key market representatives.
  • Analysis of customers’ conceptions of brands: peculiarities of customers’ perception and motivation, brand images and hierarchies, role of different advertising vehicles in informing brand images.
  • Customer segmentation and peculiarities of brand positioning.
  • Analysis of companies’ BTL and PR activities in advertising. Estimation of volumes and budgets.
  • Reconstruction of advertising concepts of major manufacturers based on the formalized estimation of advertising material.
  • Complex assessment of effectiveness of marketing communications (ÀÒL, BTL and PR) – the level of trademarks’ assimilation in customers’ minds and degree of advertisement’s impact on consumption.
  • Estimation of the product range, the scope and dynamics of retail and wholesale prices.
  • Analysis of the marketing policy of major manufacturers by comparing the data listed above as well as monitoring and media clipping.
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