Market research

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Consumer analysis

Market research / Research types and methodology / Consumer analysis /

There is available ready-made and tailor-made information about customers. The latter concerns initiative or ad hoc research. The former is usually characterized by lower prices: just like a person who buys a newspaper does not pay all expenses for its publishing, a consumer of marketing information delivered under subscription shares the expenses with other subscribers. Ad hoc research is carried out completely according to the needs of the client; any questions may be included in their objectives, but the expenses for the research are totally on the customer. For the data collected by research agencies, a panel is made..

Panel research

A panel is a number of respondents interested in honest information sharing. A regular survey of consumers is called panel research. The sample of panel research is the same from one survey to another with minor changes to it. These changes are due to natural reasons (changed status of respondents, death, migration) and deliberate refreshment of sampling - rotation. The rotation ration may fluctuate within 10 to 30 % of the whole volume of the sample, which provides some degree of mobility.

Panel research makes it possible to monitor consumption dynamics, attitudes to brands, media preferences and even a way of life. In regions with developed industries “bar-code technologies” have become wide-spread: consumers, coming home with purchases, read the bar codes of the goods with a scanner provided to them by the research agency. The data are transmitted to the computation center. That is the way information about consumer behavior is collected. Some towns (whole towns!) of Western Europe’s countries are also used as a kind of panel. Cash does not have much circulation in these towns, all retail payments are made by credit cards. All information about the purchases in the whole town during a day is collected in the computation center of the research company, the data about sales volumes concerning brands distribution is transmitted to similar towns. Low level of electronic payment technologies in Russia does not eliminate the possibility of the diary method – what the customer did, what they spent money on – which still prevails in all the world. The diary method gives answers not only about facts of buying goods or services, but also detailed information about the way of life, preferences, settings and other psychological peculiarities of consumer behavior.

A special form of panel research is Omnibus. It is a specific type of research in which the survey structure – periodicity and territory of data collection, type and size of sampling with a certain degree of rotation of respondents - remain the same, but the questions change. This allows any research customer to “take the omnibus” and ask questions of particular interest to him or her in the course of the conducted survey. The regularity of Omnibus makes the survey procedure more reliable and cheaper.
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