Market research

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Product characteristics study

Market research / Research types and methodology / Product characteristics study /

Blind tests

Due to the established practice of focus-group research, blind tests are used in group discussions among potential consumers. However, the principle of a blind test does not require participation of several respondents at the same time. Moreover, the presence of other people distorts the primary reaction of test participants. According to the idea of this method, prospective consumers test a product whose brand they do not know. This results in increased objectivity of estimations: brands’ reputations and past experience of consumption do not distort respondents’ answers. Results of blind tests may be presented in quantitative form (on-scale estimations) and as qualitative descriptions.

Hall tests

As is understood from the name, hall tests are laboratory tests of products or advertisement samples. Potential consumers are invited into halls – rooms equipped to test products and watch advertisement - where they have an opportunity to express their reactions to the tested materials. If the requirements for conducting tests are observed, the place where they are carried out is of no importance. It may be a room of the research agency, a sales outlet, working place or place of residence of respondents. That is why, in spite of the fact that there are many modifications of hall tests (studio tests, landing parties), the essence of hall tests does not change.

Hall tests make it possible to estimate not only consumer qualities of goods and attitudes to advertisement, but also reactions to package, commercial documentation ( price lists, tariff plans) and to register sensitivity to price and assess purchase probability.

Conjoint analysis

Because of its relative youth, the technique of conjoint analysis is not yet included in the permanent arsenal of means of companies working on the marketing services market. However, its results are certainly attractive to clients, which will soon make it a more popular instrument.

The method is based on the “multi-attribute utility” concept of the product which means that the consumer does not pay money for the product as a whole but for its separate qualities, attributes which are of particular significance to them, and, accordingly, have their own price. This type of analysis makes it possible to determine a psychological connection between the price and value and exploit the determined advantages of the product’s concept, of its package and advertisement.

Conjoint analysis is applied to the following:

  1. New product’s concept development
  2. Determining its price
  3. Additional information for market segmentation
  4. Comparative (What if?) analysis
  5. Repositioning
  6. Searching for distinctive peculiarities, advantages of the product to develop an advertising concept
  7. Determining the target audience and distribution of the product
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