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Assessment of the Outdoor Advertising Audience

Market research / Special studies / Audience for outdoors ads /

RPRG specialists were first to develop Traffic Monitor in 1994, the methodology of collecting such data. Based on it, they developed a method of assessing effectiveness of outdoor advertisement. The company has a staff of census-takers, reliable computer programs of mathematical analysis of data and visual presentation of results. Analysis of outdoor advertisement effectiveness was carried out both for networks – owners of outdoor advertisement structures and for major advertisers. Complex assessment of outdoor advertisement effectiveness in Moscow and other regions of Russia is carried out by using two methods:

  • Measurement of passenger traffic
  • Interviewing representatives of the target group

Measurement of passenger traffic allows obtaining the following information:

  • Dynamics of passenger traffic in advertisement places
  • The number of people that are able to see the advertisement in a particular place (OTS - "Opportunity To See"), OTS values
  • Average OTS value for different types of outdoor advertisement structures
  • Estimation of advertisement placement effectiveness in different parts of the city and traffic arteries (бав - "Cost Per Thousand" – cost per one thousand of advertising contacts)
  • Comparison of бав values for different places; places with high and low бав
  • Effectiveness of advertisement placement in different places on different structures
  • Classification of different places (avenues, streets, boulevards, proximity to different city infrastructure objects) according to effectiveness of advertisement placement
  • Coverage indexes for particular advertising companies - GRP ("General audience coverage” )
  • Comparative analysis of particular structures as well as the whole advertising campaigns of the Clients and their competitors. The above listed indexes are used as the key criteria.

Measurement of the traffic of pedestrians and passengers is made in sectors with a good vision of advertising panels at a distance sufficient to be able to read the text of the advertisement. We calculate the number of pedestrians, units of public transportation, passenger cars and trucks. Such measurements are carried out for every particular exposition. When estimating the exposition’s effectiveness, we also take into account the parameters of its view connected with peculiarities of its location in the city environment: height, angle, illumination, obstacles, distractions.

The total audience of an outdoor advertisement is calculated by using indicators calculated on the basis of estimated passenger traffic dynamics during the day in appointed places, and on the basis of regular setup research. To figure out the indicators of dynamics in a day and in a week (Day Time Score, Work Day Score) we measure the intensity of passenger traffic in these places in the intervals of time representing a day’s and a week’s dynamics. For each of the intervals, its own score is calculated.

The survey of target group representatives allows obtaining the following information:

  • Estimation of comparative effectiveness of expenditures on outdoor advertising of trademarks according to their assimilation in the minds of consumers.
  • Role of outdoor advertisements in forming conceptions of trade marks in comparison with other media and sources. Advantages of outdoor advertising.
  • Peculiarities of presentation of advertisement information in outdoor advertising – contents that is remembered, emotional attitude, encouraging information
  • Estimation of trade mark qualities by consumers when perceiving outdoor advertising
  • Perception and evaluation of the main idea of outdoor advertisement samples by consumers

Thus, consumer survey allows us to determine trademark ratings in conceptions, in consumption of representatives of different social and demographic groups and the percentage of advertisement and other sources of consumer information according to their affect on consumers. In the effect of advertisement on consumers we can single out shares of outdoor advertising, advertising on TV, on the radio and in the press, all of which form conceptions of trademarks and have their impact on developing a positive or negative attitude to trademarks.

The research allows us to obtain basic effectiveness indexes of the advertising campaign:

  • Penetration Index – share of the target group who have remember the advertisement
  • Usage Pull Index, which connects advertisement awareness and advertised product’s consumption
  • Target Rating Point – share of the target group covered by the advertising campaign
  • CPP (Cost per Penetration) – cost per one thousand representatives of the target group who remember the advertising message

For better visual presentation, research results may be integrated with “RPRG Outdoor Advertising Monitoring Mapper”, an information system of advertising space in the form of a map.
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