Market research

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Special studies for the music market

Market research / Special studies / For the music market /

Complex research of the music market in Russia is carried out on an ad hoc basis. There are options as follows:

Fame and popularity of performers (performer rating)

  • Different respondent groups (by age, gender, education, occupation) that music performers are known to
  • Music performers’ fame rating with different respondent groups
  • Performers grouped by age, gender, education, professional qualities, regions and fame.
  • Complete list of performers named by respondents
  • Performers liked or disliked by the audience and their ratings
  • Performers’ ratings and ranks given by different target groups
  • Structure of performer’s fame: sources and means of promotion

Fame and popularity of music compositions / songs (music composition rating)

  • What music compositions are known to different respondent groups (by age, gender, education, occupation)
  • Rating of music compositions’ popularity with different respondent groups
  • Different characteristics of music compositions’ popularity (according to age, gender, education, occupation and region)
  • Complete list of music compositions named by respondents
  • Music compositions liked or disliked by the audience and their ratings
  • Music compositions’ ratings and ranks with different target groups

Styles of music preferred by consumers

  • Popularity and preference of music styles and trends
  • Estimation of the market value of particular music styles and trends

Music products purchases

  • Rating of performer purchases. Who was purchased recently
  • Citizens’ paying capacity and expenditures for music products
  • The fact of possessing tape recorders, CD|DVD|MP3 players by different society groups
  • Preferred places for buying music products and their ratings

Performers’ images

  • Performer’s images testing
  • Song and music video images
  • Creating an associative portrait of the performer
  • Performer assessment criteria
  • Period of popularity and consumer loyalty to a particular performer, style, trend

Information sources

  • What information music products consumers use and where they get it from
  • Popularity of music programs
  • Popularity of music editions
  • Attendance of concerts and performances
  • Popularity of music stages

New performers assessment

  • New performers’ popularity potential testing by a target audience
  • Recognition and building the performer’s image
  • Style development

Consumer behavior

  • Places of purchasing and their preference reasons
  • Perception of different forms of organizing audio products trade by consumers
  • Attitude to buying from catalogues and mailing. Willingness to buy from catalogues and mailings. Willingness to receive audio-carriers by post and other forms.

Advertising and television support of performers and releases

  • The role of advertisement in forming perceptions of products of music markets
  • What is remembered best in music products advertisement
  • Advertisement types liked and disliked by consumers. Advertisement which makes people buy music products.
  • Types of advertisement. Expert estimation.
  • Combination of different forms of television support of releases – direct advertising and trailers.
  • Music advertisement pretesting. Consumer reactions.

Product design

  • Assessment of covers and design of cassettes and CDs

Analysis of commercial offer and estimation of sales volumes

  • Presence of and assortment of music products in different types of sales outlets
  • Distribution of music products to different types of sales outlets
  • Analysis of connections between such factors as price, product appearance and type of sales outlet
  • Price levels of commercial offers of different products. Average prices.
  • Structure of purchases. Concepts of price.
  • Popularity / attendance of different sales outlets. Data on consumer traffic of particular sales outlets.
  • Estimation of sales volumes according to types of sales outlets and particular albums.
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